Homeschooling Approaches 101 Exploring the Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschooling

May 2, 2023

Homeschooling Approaches 101: Exploring the Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschooling
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Table of Contents

Introduction to the Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschooling

Are you a parent considering homeschooling but need help determining where to begin?

With so many approaches, it can be overwhelming to decide which is the right fit for your family.

However, suppose you're looking for an educational philosophy that emphasizes the whole child's development and connects them to the world around them.

In that case, the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling might be the perfect fit for you. ⭐️

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who believed in providing children with a well-rounded education emphasizing character building, practical life skills, and academic excellence.

Her approach is gaining popularity among parents seeking a holistic way of educating their children.

By using "living books" instead of textbooks and connecting children to nature, the Charlotte Mason approach encourages children to become self-directed learners who are curious, creative, and responsible.

In this article, we will explore the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling in detail, answering questions like What is the Charlotte Mason approach? Who should use this approach? Why choose the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling? And most importantly, how to implement the Charlotte Mason approach in your homeschooling journey.

Whether you're a seasoned homeschooler or just starting out, this article will provide valuable insights and practical tips to make your homeschooling experience successful. 🚀

What is the Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschooling?

The Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling is a comprehensive educational philosophy that focuses on developing the whole child.

At its core, this approach is based on the belief that children are born persons with unique personalities, interests, and abilities.

As such, the Charlotte Mason approach seeks to provide children with a well-rounded education that encompasses academic excellence, character-building, physical fitness, and practical life skills.

One of the fundamental principles of the Charlotte Mason approach is the use of "living books."

These books are written in a narrative style, unlike textbooks that are often dry and impersonal.

Living books are written by authors who are passionate about their subject matter and have a unique perspective to offer.

They encourage children to develop a love for reading, learning, and critical thinking skills.

Another key feature of the Charlotte Mason approach is short, focused lessons.

This approach emphasizes quality over quantity, focusing on depth of understanding rather than rote memorization.

Short lessons help to prevent children from becoming overwhelmed or bored and allow them to retain more of what they have learned.

Narration is another essential aspect of the Charlotte Mason approach.

This is where children are encouraged to retell what they have learned in their own words.

This helps to reinforce their understanding of the material and promotes the development of language skills.

Copywork, which involves copying passages from literature or other sources, is also used to develop handwriting and spelling skills.

Overall, the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling provides children with a unique and holistic way of learning that emphasizes the whole child's development.

By focusing on character building, practical life skills, and academic excellence, this approach prepares children to become responsible and self-disciplined adults who are well-equipped to face the world's challenges.

Who Should Use the Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschooling?

The Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling is suitable for parents looking for a comprehensive educational philosophy that focuses on the your child's development.

This approach is particularly well-suited for parents interested in providing their children with a well-rounded education that includes character-building, physical fitness, practical life skills, and academic excellence.

Parents interested in the Charlotte Mason approach should be willing to invest time and effort into their children's education.

This approach requires a significant amount of preparation and planning and a commitment to providing children with a rich and engaging learning environment.

Parents willing to invest in their children's education this way will find the Charlotte Mason approach incredibly rewarding.

Children who are curious, creative, and independent learners are particularly well-suited for this approach.

With a strong emphasis on self-directed learning, children are encouraged to follow their interests and passions.

Children who are naturally curious and enjoy exploring the world around them will thrive in this type of learning environment.

Parents interested in incorporating nature study and outdoor education into their children's education will also find the Charlotte Mason philosophy a good fit.

This method emphasizes the importance of connecting children to nature and nurtures children to develop a sense of wonder and awe about the natural world.

Ultimately, the Charlotte Mason homeschooling style is suitable for any family looking for a holistic way of educating their children.

By providing children with a well-rounded education that emphasizes character building, practical life skills, and academic excellence, this system prepares children to become responsible and self-disciplined adults who are well-equipped to face the world's challenges.

Why Choose the Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschooling?

There are many reasons why parents choose the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling.

One of the main reasons is that this approach provides children with a well-rounded education beyond academics.

In addition, emphasizing character building, practical life skills, and physical fitness prepares children for success in all areas of their lives.

Another reason why parents choose the Charlotte Mason approach is because it fosters a love for learning in children.

Using living books and short, focused lessons makes learning engaging and enjoyable for children.

This, in turn, encourages children to become lifelong learners motivated to explore the world around them.

The Charlotte Mason approach is also highly adaptable, which makes it suitable for children of all ages and learning styles.

Whether a child is a visual, kinesthetic, or auditory learner, this approach can be tailored to meet their individual needs.

Additionally, using narration and copywork allows children to demonstrate their understanding of the material in a way that suits their learning style.

Another practical benefit of the Charlotte Mason approach is that it requires minimal materials and resources.

Parents do not need to invest in expensive curriculum packages or technology to provide their children with a high-quality education.

Instead, they can use a few carefully chosen resources, such as living books and art supplies, to create a rich and engaging learning environment.

Finally, the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling allows parents to build a strong relationship with their children.

By working closely with their children on their education, parents can develop a deep understanding of their children's strengths, weaknesses, and interests.

This, in turn, allows parents to provide their children with the support and guidance they need to thrive both academically and personally.

How to Use the Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschooling

Using the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling involves incorporating several vital principles into your daily routine.

The first step is to create a rich and engaging learning environment for your children.

This can be achieved by using living books, art supplies, and nature study materials to create a visually appealing and stimulating space.

Another critical aspect of the Charlotte Mason approach is to keep lessons short and focused.

This means breaking up lessons into shorter blocks of time, with frequent breaks in between.

It also means focusing on one subject at a time rather than covering multiple topics in one sitting.

Narration and copywork are also essential components of the Charlotte Mason approach.

Narration involves having children retell what they have learned in their own words. In contrast, copywork involves having them copy passages from living books or other sources.

These activities help to reinforce learning and develop necessary skills such as attention to detail and composition.

In addition to these core components, the Charlotte Mason approach emphasizes the importance of nature study and outdoor education.

This involves exploring the natural world outdoors, observing plants and animals, and engaging in hands-on activities such as gardening or nature journaling.

Finally, it's important to remember that the Charlotte Mason approach is highly adaptable and can be tailored to meet the needs of individual families.

You can experiment with different approaches and techniques to find what works best for you and your children.

The key is to remain flexible and open to new ideas while staying true to the core principles of the Charlotte Mason approach.

With dedication and hard work, this method can help you provide your children with a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in all areas of their lives.


In conclusion, the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling is a unique and effective way to educate children.

By emphasizing character building, practical life skills, and a love for learning, this approach prepares children for success in all areas of their lives.

In addition, it is highly adaptable and suitable for children of all ages and learning styles.

It also can be implemented with minimal materials and resources.

While the Charlotte Mason approach may require some additional effort and planning on the part of parents, the rewards are well worth it.

Providing children with a rich and engaging learning environment helps cultivate a lifelong love of learning that will serve them well in their future endeavors.

If you are considering homeschooling your children, the Charlotte Mason approach is definitely worth exploring.

With its emphasis on character, creativity, and outdoor education, this approach provides a unique and rewarding educational experience to help your children grow into well-rounded, responsible, and successful adults.

On a final note, by incorporating the principles of the Charlotte Mason approach into your daily routine, you can help your children reach their full potential and prepare them for a bright and fulfilling future.


Here are some resources, tools, and information that can be useful for learning more about and utilizing the Charlotte Mason Approach:

Ambleside Online - a free Charlotte Mason curriculum that provides schedules, resources, and booklists for each grade level.

Simply Charlotte Mason - a website that offers a range of resources for implementing the Charlotte Mason approach, including free e-books, curriculum guides, and planning resources.

The Charlotte Mason Institute - an organization that provides training, workshops, and resources for parents and educators interested in the Charlotte Mason approach.

Charlotte Mason Digital Collection - a collection of Charlotte Mason's original writings and resources, including her six-volume series on education.

A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola - a book that provides an overview of the Charlotte Mason approach and practical guidance on implementing it in your homeschool.

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay - a book that discusses the Charlotte Mason approach and its importance in shaping a child's character and love of learning.

Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Facebook group - a community of homeschoolers who use the Charlotte Mason approach to share resources, ideas, and support.

The Nature Connection by Clare Walker Leslie - a book that provides nature study ideas and activities that align with the Charlotte Mason approach.

Artistic Pursuits - an art curriculum that aligns with the Charlotte Mason approach and focuses on using living art to inspire creativity and imagination.

Simply Music - a music curriculum that aligns with the Charlotte Mason approach and provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn to play music.


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